If you use the 3D tool often, please help keep it online!

Hey there, this is Derek. I made this site because I knew it would be insanely useful for indie authors. The only problem is:

  • I’m a writer not a coder
  • It costs a lot of time and money to maintain

Seriously, people are always uploading movie files or manuscripts or other files. This tool breaks down every few weeks, and I have to pay developers to fix it. Even though other people are charging monthly for similar tools, I really hope I can keep it free forever.

I hate asking for help or handouts, but the truth is, all I want is to disappear into a cabin (this one) with some cats and write my own books, instead of trying to maintain online tools.

33-Most-Beautiful-A-Frame-Cabins-You-Can-Be-Dreaming-1024x684 Support this Site

People have been asking me if they can just pay, donate or support me to keep this tool running. I get dozens of emails each time it goes down (often from people who are using it for their own clients or services!). So I decided to add this page.

If you use this tool frequently, I could really use your help.

buymeacoffee223 Support this Site

Click the image above to give me a small tip – it’s like a warm virtual hug (I’ll buy coffee so I can keep creating awesome free resources for authors). It’s a token of your appreciation, a small gesture of gratitude, so I know what I’m doing matters… it’ll keep me from succumbing to an apathetic Netflix cycle.

But since I don’t like asking for handouts, if you’d prefer – here’s some *mega* discounted links to my best writing and publishing resources. You get a deal and I get to start saving for the castle I hope to buy.

donate4 Support this Site

*The average donation is $25.*

PS. Thanks so much for visiting, and I hope these 3D mockups make it easier for you to promote and market your books. If you need any more publishing or book marketing help, make sure you sign up for my free resources at