self publishing mistakes

Written the book that took you months or even years? Must be exhausting and brain-tiring to compile
all those words. Well, that’s over now. Let’s focus on what is coming next—the self-publishing hassle
which is usually a nightmare for many authors.

If you are an author who thinks self-publishing is a nightmare, then this blog is definitely for you. Before
you spend tons of money on publishing, make sure you read the dos and don’ts of self-publishing.

Undoubtedly, these mistakes have proven to be the downfall of the authors. So, to ensure that you are
not the next, we have listed those blunders that can surely become your downfall and your dream book
is all in ruins.

These are some of the mistakes that authors usually do. So, make sure you are avoiding them. Let’s dive
into these mistakes.

Make Your Masterpiece Error-Free And Enter The Literary Landscape Without Worries.

Judging a Book by Its Cover:

There is a famous saying that the eyes eat first which is 100% true. Be it food or the book, in both cases,
the eyes are fed first. That is why the books are also judged for their cover because readers want their
books not just well-versed but well-designed as well.

When a book is poorly designed readers will simply take it as some boring piece of read with cliches and
awkward dialogues just like the cover. So, ensure that your book cover is not poorly illustrated and
designed if you want to be safe from the downfall.

Only a captivating book covers design can be the gateway to readers’ hearts and leave a significant
impact on the readers whether to pick up the book or just leave it on the shelf.

But how to create an enthralling book cover? If you are wondering this then here are some quick tips.

● Use contrast to grab the reader’s attention.
● The right font will do the job; pick a unique font.
● Using imagery as an accent would work too.
● A strong composition is what attracts readers.
● Give readers a sneak peek of what is about to be unveiled in the book.

Editing Nightmares:

Do you give away your dirty laundry without checking the pockets? No, right? Because even a simple
thing can ruin the whole machine. Take that machine as your book, one error, and your dream is at

Just like sending a risky text to the requires a revision and some edits to make sure you are not dead
once the message doesn’t find the recipients well. Similarly, editing a book is one of the most crucial
steps and one cannot even think of skipping it.

Hence, professional editing is what an author needs, it is like having an eagle’s eye preying on the
content written. One simple mistake can ruin your dream book because that is how readers will judge
the writing.

This is merely human nature that pick out the error first. So, neglecting it can turn your masterpiece into
a messy nightmare. Trust me, you want a polished gem, not a rough draft. Here’s the guide to editing a

Pricing Pitfalls:

Pricing pitfalls can be a hassle as self-publishing is a dance between budget-friendly and value-packed.
What a self-publishing author can do is make the most of promotions, and offer bundles. On the
contrary, ensure the book’s worth shines through each page.

Also, readers appreciate a good deal and not a cheap thrill that compels them to buy the book or just
let it go. Even a die-hard fan of Lord Of The Rings would be forced to keep down the book just because
the price is higher.

Ignoring Your Author Platform:

In the digital landscape, authors need a platform. Connect with your readers, share your journey, and
build a community. It’s not just about the book; it’s about you. As an author, you have to show the
readers that you have a strong presence in the digital landscape.

Hence, your role in author marketing services, book promotion and establishing a connection with
readers. Your readers want to know the mastermind behind the pen. Keep engaging on social media,
write a blog, and introduce the creative human behind the pages. A strong author platform is like a free
pass to your literary world.

Overlooking Genre Trends:

The importance of understanding genre conventions and reader expectations cannot be overlooked
especially when it comes to publishing books online. Dive deeply into your genre and research what
readers are desperate for.

As an author, you have to know its quirks, grip on the clichés, and then amaze your readers. Genre
trends are like guidelines. Only when they are broken with creativity and embraced keeping in the
desires of the readers, the publishing goal is achieved.

Rushing the Launch:

Anything that is done in a rush tends to fail. The risks of hasty book releases and the benefits of a well-
timed launch have to be tied strong like a knot. Timing is money and the wisest counselor of all. Launch
your book when the stars align.

Thus, a well-planned release creates a buzz and on the other hand a rushed one might get lost in the
noise. So, you don’t want your dream work to be wasted in a snap of the fingers, right?

Neglecting Reviews:

Customers are never wrong; you must have heard this marketing strategy to gain more noise towards
the brand and to make buyers trust the brand. Similarly, strategies for garnering reviews and the impact they have on a book’s success are what helped the books to get the worth they deserve.

The process is simple, gather both the negative and positive reviews since both of them are for the
betterment of the book’s digital presence. Take reviews as a report card of your book. They help you
keep track of how can you work on the flaws and how they can be worked down.

So, encourage readers to share honest opinions. Engage with reviewers, and thank them because why
not? Learn from the negative reviews and work on it. Ensure your readers that their valuable feedback

Falling Prey to Shady Practices:

Scams are not just in the digital world but they have been appearing as a dark cloud over the head in the
literary world for many years. The self-publishing sea has large sharks, waiting for you to make a silly
move and become its prey.

So, be cautious about the contracts you make, and get in touch with reliable publishing services. A
legitimate publisher will not make you fall for their fake promises that even sound impossible. Be good
with your research read the reviews thoroughly, and protect your literary masterpiece.

Those are the most important self-publishing mistakes to avoid and keep in mind. Make sure your literary
masterpiece is not in the wrong hands.

Derek Murphy
Derek Murphy

Derek Murphy is a cover designing indie author enthusiast, finishing a PhD in Literature and shopping for a castle in Europe.